
Jhumon Das sent to jail

Jhumon Das arrested again for 'provocative social media post referring to religion' has been sent to jail.  

The court of Judicial Magistrate Syed Mahbubul Islam in Sunamganj on Wednesday ordered to send him to jail after recording his statement, the court inspector Borhan Uddin told Jago News.

Jhumon, a resident of Durgam Noagaon area in Shalla upazila, was taken to Shalla Police Station on Tuesday for questioning and on that night, he was shown arrested in a case filed under the Digital Security Act (DSA).

Aminul Islam, officer in-charge of the police station, said Jhumon used 'Bhandami-Itrami' words (which roughly translated into hypocrisy and vulgarity) in his Facebook ID referring to religion.

That is why he was brought to police station on Tuesday for grilling, and later, a DSA case was lodged against him, he added.

Earlier on March 16 last year, Jhumon Das was apprehended for allegedly criticizing former Hefazat-e-Islam leader Mamunul Haque, who is now in jail, in a Facebook post.

After more than six and a half months, he was released from jail on September 28 of the same year.

Lipson Ahmed/SU