
Mahbub Talukder's namaz-e-janaza held

The namaz-e-janaza of former Election Commissioner (EC), poet, and children's literature writer Mahbub Talukder was held at Baitul Mukarram National Mosque in the capital of Dhaka on Friday. 

The national mosque Khatib Hafez Mufti Mawlana Md Ruhul Amin performed the namaz-e-janaza after the Jummah prayer.

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal participated in the namaz-e-janaza. 

After the janaza, a guard of honor was given to him there. 

It was learned that the former election commissioner will be buried at the Martyred Intellectuals' Graveyard at Mirpur in the capital, his daughter Irin Mahbub confirmed this Jago News on Thursday.

You may also read- Ex-EC Mahbub Talukder dies