
Donald Trump’s wife accused of plagiarism

Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, took centre stage on the first night of the Republican National Convention amid accusations that a portion of her speech was plagiarised.Commentators noticed similarities between her remarks and an earlier speech by Michelle Obama.It was Mrs Trump’s first major speech in what she called her husband’s ‘unlikely’ campaign.Mrs Trump has reportedly been working with a professional speechwriter.‘He’s tough when he has to be but he’s also kind and fair and caring,’ Mrs Trump said of her husband. ‘The kindness is not always noted, but it’s there for all to see. That is one reason I fell in love with him to begin with.’Mrs Trump, a former model who was born in Slovenia, has kept a lower profile compared with other spouses of major candidates. Mr Trump’s adult children have filled the role usually inhabited by the candidate’s wife. Mrs Trump’s mostly personal speech contrasted with the night’s other speakers who spoke about ‘making America safe again’.‘If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you, he is the guy,’ Mrs Trump said touching on the theme.A wide range of speakers, including a county sheriff, a decorated combat veteran and a former model, told stories of military service, urban crime and the dangers of illegal immigration.Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton took aim at presumptive Democratic nominee State Hillary Clinton, questioning her judgement in foreign affairs.‘Who would trust Hillary Clinton to protect them?’ said Mr Giuliani, whose rousing speech fired up the crowd at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. ‘I wouldn’t.’Many Republican party leaders - such as Ohio Governor John Kasich whose state is hosting the convention - have decided not to attend this year’s festivities, turned off by Mr Trump’s controversial stances on immigration and foreign policy.Mr Trump has called for a ban on Muslims entering the US and also advocated deporting almost 11 million undocumented immigrants. A speech by Wisconsin police sheriff David Clarke strongly defended police officers in the wake of the deadly shooting in Baton Rouge, which killed three officers over the weekend.‘Blue lives matter!’ Mr Clarke said to huge cheers from the delegates in the convention hall.The killings prompted Mr Trump to say the country was falling apart - a claim strongly disputed by President Barack Obama.Earlier, anti-Trump delegates failed in their final push to block Mr Trump’s nomination.The vote that would have allowed delegates to back a candidate of their choice was quashed when three states reportedly backed out. Some said the Republican Party officials had sabotaged their efforts on purpose.The push was the last gasp for those who hope to see a different Republican candidate get the nomination.