
I am a messenger of peace: Zakir Naik

Controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik on Friday rebuffed allegations that his sermons had influenced the recent terror attack in Bangladesh and said that he was a ‘messenger of peace’.Addressing a press conference via skype from Medina, Naik said: ‘I only preach peace and never incite violence. I have not inspired any terrorist. I am a messenger of peace’.He further said that suicide bombing was ‘not Islamic’ as ‘it kills innocents’ and added that so far ‘not a single’ official agency had approached him to be a part of investigation.‘I am willing to cooperate if they approach me,’ he said.Naik also took on the media and alleged that a full-blown media trial against him was being carried out in India.The self-styled preacher has come under fire ever since reports emerged that the Bangladeshi terrorists behind the July 1 Dhaka cafe massacre in which 22 people died were inspired by 50-year-old Naik’s sermons delivered through his channel - Peace TV.Authorities in Bangladesh banned the channel, which has over 100 million viewers on July 11.Three earlier press conferences of Naik were cancelled.