
Nisha Desai to arrive city on Sunday

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Desai Biswal will arrive in the city on Sunday for a two-day official visit after the deadly attack at Holey Artisan Bakery on July 1, where gunman killed 22 people including 17 foreigners and two police officers.During her visit to Dhaka, Biswas will meet with home minister and foreign minister along with other high government officials.She may also call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, diplomatic sources in Dhaka and Washington said.Biswal will discuss the security situation in Bangladesh following the July 1 attack, US offer for support in investigation into the attack, security for US embassy officials and US facilities in Bangladesh.She visited Dhaka on May 5 and 6 after the brutal murder of USAID staff Xulhaz Mannan in Dhaka on April 25.