
Killers have no religion: Joy

Terming that killers have no religion Prime minister’s son and her IT affairs adviser Sajeed Wazed Joy said killers who carried out the Gulshan attack are not Muslim. Sajeed Wazed wrote this on his facebook status on Sunday. He write, ‘I have been trying to think of what to write but I have been at a loss for words. It was a terrible, heinous attack. These killers were not Muslims. Terrorists have no religion.’He expressed his condolences to the victim’s family by saying, ‘My deepest condolences to the families of the victims, especially the brave police officers who sacrificed their lives trying to stop the terrorists.’He also said, ‘One of the hallmarks of our culture is hospitality to our foreign guests. These terrorists want to stop that but we cannot allow them to succeed. Bangladesh must always remain welcoming to all people and religion.’Joy said in his status that no one can perform 100% all the time. This was the one time we could not catch it. Such attacks have happened in the wealthiest countries of the world with far more resources than us.PM’s IT affairs adviser said the reality is that these terrorists were educated, middle class individuals and there are many more like them. ‘They could be your neighbors, relatives, sons, each one of us has the responsibility to be vigilant to keep our country safe,’ he added.