
Jashore NGOs asked not to realize micro-loan installments

The Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) operating in Jashore have been directed by the district administration to stop temporarily realizing installments of the micro-loan during the lockdown imposed to prevent coronavirus spread.

Additional magistrate of the district Kazi Md Sayemuzzaman confirmed the matter around 12:30pm on Saturday.

He said the matter of forcibly realizing installments during the restrictions drew their attention after different newspapers, including Jago News, had published reports in this regard. 

That is why he issued instructions giving the temporary closure order, Sayemuzzaman added. 

On June 24, published a report titled 'Pressure from NGOs for installments in Benapole during the lockdown, too.' 

The report said the borrowers alleged that the lenders were creating pressure on them to repay loans despite the lockdown left most of them jobless.

However, the district administration has recently imposed lockdown in Sharsha Upazila as the coronavirus infections surged there.

Md Jamal Hossain/SU