
Four held over sculpture vandalizm

Four madrasa students have been detained for their alleged connection in vandalizm of the father of nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's sculpture in Kushtia. 

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal made the disclosure while talking to media at his Secretariat office on Sunday.

"They (the detainees) conducted this act coming out of Ibne Masud Madrasa. One is Abu Bakr and another Nahid. On information gleaned from the duo, two more students named Alamin and Yusuf have been held," he said. 

Early Saturday, the miscreants vandalized the portions of face and hands of an under-construction sculpture of Bangabandhu in the district town.

The attack came in a time when the country's Islamist parties, particularly Hefazat-e-Islam, have been protesting at the construction of Bangabandhu's sculpture and any other one.

Kushtia municipality this month decided to construction three sculptures of Bangabandhu at five street intersection in own finance on the occasion of Bangabandhu's birth centenary.