
Pakistan reacts like brazen: Minister

Foreign Minister AH Mahmodd Ali on Sunday said Pakistan’s reaction on the trial of war criminals in Bangladesh is totally irreverent, biased, unacceptable and beyond etiquette.He said this while responding to a tabled stared question from ruling party MP Pinu Khan in the Parliament, reports a news agency.The minister said after the execution of war criminals Pakistan Parliament took condemn motions and its Foreign Minister issued arrogant statements.‘These are unblushing interference in an independent country,’ he said.He mentioned that Pakistan government’s statements in favour of war criminals are tantamount to admitting its involvement in mass killing in 1971 and accepting the responsibility.Talking about the tri-national treaty among Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, the minister said that there was nothing stated in that agreement that persons involved in crimes against humanity like mass killing, arson and rape could not be tried.‘Rather Pakistan itself failed to follow the compulsion to bring the identified and arrested of its citizens involved in mass killing under trial,’ he added.Mahmood Ali also said that after execution of a war criminal recently Turkey government issued a statement in this regard.Turkish government called its envoy from Dhaka to Ankara for consultation.‘The matter is facing diplomatically, the government is aware of these ill-move and conspiracy in the international arena,’ he said.The Foreign Minister said that the government engaged its efforts to face these ill-move and international conspiracy.