
Ahsanullah murder: death penalty of 6 upheld

The High Court has upheld death sentence to six persons in the former lawmaker of Awami League Ahsanullah Master killing case.The HC bench headed by Justice Obaidul Hasan and Justice Krishna Debnath passed the verdict on Wednesday noon.The six convicts are Nurul Islam Sarkjer, Nurul Islam Dipu, Mahbubur Rahman, Shahidul Islam Situ, Hafiz alias Kana Hafiz and Sohag alias Suruj.Apart from seven accused have been given life term imprisonment in this case.On May 7, 2004, gunmen shot and killed Ahsanullah, also the president of Jatiya Sramik League, and Omar Faruq Ratan, a young man, and wounded 17 others in a staccato burst of fire at a biennial conference of Awami Shechchhasebak League, the AL’s volunteers’ front, at Noagaon near the legislator’s house in Tongi.