
Historic Six-point Day today

The nation on Tuesday observes the historic 6-Point Day recalling the launching of a programme 50 years ago under Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s leadership which eventually led to emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country.On this day in 1966, the Bangabandhu-led Awami League called for a day-long hartal throughout East Pakistan pressing the demand for autonomy for the eastern wing of erstwhile Pakistan, BSS reports.The Six-Point Programme, which eventually appeared to be the Magna Karta of the nation, was aimed to end exploitation, deprivation, subjugation and tyranny of the then Pakistani rulers on the people of the province.At the call of Awami League, the people of the then East Pakistan observed spontaneously a dawn-to-dusk hartal across the province.Paramilitary East Pakistan Rifles (EPR) and police of then Pakistani junta fired gunshots on demonstrators at different places including Tejgaon Industrial area of Dhaka, Narayanganj and areas surrounding Jagannath College and other towns and that left at least 10 including labour leader Monu Miah, Shafique and Shamsul Huq killed.The spilling of blood of so many people intensified the movement further for autonomy. As a sequel to it, came the historic mass upsurge in 1969 for the Bangalees’ great movement demanding provincial autonomy which caused the downfall the reign of Field Marshal Ayub Khan.Later, in the all Pakistan basis general election in 1970, Awami League led by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman recorded a landslide victory. But, the Pakistani military dictators refused to hand over power to Awami League.Ultimately, the demand for autonomy culminated into country’s long and arduous struggle for independence.Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in the community of nations fighting successfully a nine-month-old war against the Pakistani occupation forces on December 16 in 1971.Different socio-political organizations including the ruling Awami League have drawn up elaborate programmes marking the historical day.President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have given separate messages marking the day.In separate messages on the eve of the day, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, recalled the supreme sacrifices of heroic Bangalees for materialization of the six- point demand.Awami League has chalked out a day-long programme that includes hoisting of national and party flags atop party offices across the country and at city’s Bangabandhu Bhaban at dawn and placing of wreaths at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi at 9.30 am tomorrow.In a statement today, Awami League general secretary and Minister for Public Administration Syed Ashraful Islam, MP, urged all the party men and the common people to observe the day with due respect across the country.