
World leaders send Ramadan greetings to all Muslim communities

Various leaders across the globe sent their Ramadan greetings to all the Muslim communities worldwide, ahead of the month of Ramadan, slated to commence from Tuesday.US President Barrack Obama assured American Muslims of their safety while greeting them on the beginning of the auspicious month.‘As Muslim Americans celebrate the holy month, I am reminded that we are one American family. I stand firmly with Muslim American communities in rejection of the voices that seek to divide us or limit our religious freedoms or civil rights,’ Obama said in a statement on Sunday.‘Our thoughts - whatever our backgrounds or beliefs - are with them’, read British Prime Minister David Cameron’s official message, ‘let us continue to come together for iftars and community events’, it also read.India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is currently on a five-nation tour also offered greetings to 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide.‘My warmest greetings to the people of Afghanistan and all Muslims across the world for the holy month of Ramadan,’ Modi said in Afghanistan on Saturday.According to a recent Reuters report, China has stated that there would be no interference in Xinxiang, where the Uighur ethnic minority, the largest Chinese Muslim community, reside and practices their faith.‘During the holy Islamic month of Ramadan, whether to close or open halal restaurants is completely determined by the owners themselves without interference,’ a government report on religious freedom in Xinjiang said.‘No citizen suffers discrimination or unfair treatment for believing in, or not believing in, any religion,’ the report said, adding that ‘religious feelings and needs are fully respected’.