
Coronavirus cases confirmed in Rohingya camps

The first two positive cases of Covid-19 were identified in the Rohingya camps in Ukhiya upazila of Cox’s Bazar on Thursday. 

UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, confirmed it quoting the government, reports UNB.

One patient is from the refugee population and the other one from the surrounding host population, Louise Donovan, Spokesperson at UNHCR Cox's Bazar office said.

Both have presented to health facilities run by humanitarian partners in Ukhiya, where samples were taken that were subsequently tested in the IEDCR Field Laboratory in Cox’s Bazar, she said. 

Following the laboratory confirmation, Rapid Investigation Teams have been activated to investigate both cases, initiate isolation and treatment of patients as well as contact tracing, quarantine and testing of contacts as per WHO guidelines.

Established procedures are in place to respond to suspected and confirmed cases of CoVID-19 in the host as well as refugee population of Cox’s Bazar, said the UNHCR official. 

Health staff within the camps have been oriented on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), including the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Testing began in the Cox’s Bazar District at the beginning of April. 

As of 14 May, 108 refugees have been tested.