
People of 60+ account for ‘50 pc coronavirus deaths’ in Bangladesh

Though the people of 60 years of age or above make up only 10 percent of coronavirus patients in Bangladesh, they account for 50 percent of fatalities from the virus.

Responding to queries from UNB, experts have attributed this to comorbidities and weakened immune system of senior people.

Even then, the experts think coronavirus is showing much pity on Bangladeshi elderly people as over 70 percent deaths from the virus in most other worst-affected countries are among people in their 60s or older.

They suggested the elderly people to be more careful, stay indoors, strictly follow social distancing, take nutritious food and follow the advice of their doctors to remain safe from the virus.

Talking to UNB, Prof Meerjady Sabrina Flora, director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), said the percentage of people aged over 60 infected with the coronavirus is relatively low, but the mortality rate in this group is high as they have many other underlying health problems.

Giving an age-wise analysis, she said of the total of 2,456 virus infected cases in the country as of Sunday, around 10 percent people are in the age group of 60 or above while over 60 percent are in the age group of 21-50.

“Sometimes it’s seen that the people of the 21-30 age group are affected much more and sometimes the younger people of 31-40 or 41-50 age group are falling victims more. But the elderly people are always there in between 10 and 11 percent as we’ve fewer old people than the much younger ones.”

During the same period, Flora said 91 people died from the virus and more or less 50 percent of these deaths occurred in those older than 60 years and above. “This percentage is much higher in other countries than Bangladesh.”

She said the death rate is low among the Covid-19 affected younger population as they can recover quickly with their strong immune system.

The IEDCR director said elderly people must remain very careful, strictly maintain social distancing and should not come out of home to avoid the infection of the deadly virus.

Quoting the head of the World Health Organization’s office in Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge, news agency AP in its a report on April 2 said more than 95 percent of people who have died of coronavirus in Europe have been aged over 60.

According Indian health ministry data released on Saturday, 75.3 percent of the Covid-19 deaths in India have been recorded in those who are 60 years of age and above.

As per official data, 80 per cent of deaths in China were among people in their 60s or older.

Contacted, Vice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Prof Kanak Kanti Barua, said people aged over 60, particularly those have comorbidities or heart, lung, kidney, hypertension, blood pressure, diabetics and breathing problems, are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

On the other hand, he said, elderly people’s immune system cannot resist many viral diseases. “Once they get infected with the coronavirus, their condition sharply deteriorates along with other pre-existing complications. Older people having lung and berating problems are at the highest risk of dying from corona. As their immune systems are typically not as robust as those of younger people as the coronavirus has been harder on people of advanced ages.”

He suggested elderly people to stay home always and wash hand frequently with soap. “They should remain in touch with their doctors over phone and take medicine regularly for the diseases they are already suffering from as per their doctors’ advice.”

Prof Dr Harun-or-Rashid, head of medicine department at Dhaka Community Medical College & Hospital (DCMCH), the morality rate of corona-infected people of aging population is higher than younger ones all over the word, including Bangladesh. “But we’re in a much better condition than many other countries as the average mortality rate of the Covid-19 patients, aged over 60, is above 70 percent there.”

He said elderly people should remain alert and maintain social distancing even from their family members. “Their exposure to people should be reduced as much as possible to avoid the infection of the virus.”

Dr Rashid said many elderly people in Bangladesh get affected with influenza during May to July which finally turns into pneumonia. “So, they should be given pneumonia vaccine now.”

He said people above 60 should do gargle with warm water and avoid using AC. “They should take food enriched with nutrition and protein, and fruits and vegetable enriched with vitamin B and C. They also need sunlight exposure for vitamin D and special care from family members.”

They should also walk inside their houses and do some physical exercise to remain fit and remove anxiety. “It’ll help them have sound sleep as well.”

Prof AKM Nurun Nabi of Dhaka University’s Population Sciences department said around 7.5 percent (12.5 million) of the country’s total population constitutes the elderly people or age 60 and above.

“Elderly people usually vulnerable to any disease as they lose their resistance power and suffer from various chronic and critical diseases. So, the mortality rate of aging Covid-19 patients is very high all over the world. In comparison to the USA, China and Europe, we’re in a much better position as our death rate is far below then them as we’ve a very small number of super-aged population (over 75-year old),” he said.

Source: UNB