
Does Bangladesh have a plan?

Dr. Jubayer Rahman

By now, every individual in Bangladesh understood the meaning of 'Social distancing' whether following or not. It's a democratic country, like USA, thus, you may follow or not, it is up to you. 

Bangladesh government imposed ‘stay home’ to all citizens early without knowing COVID-19 transmission kinetics because there was shortage of testing kits. Funny thing is that while rest of the world running statistic, math every day to see when to apply ‘home stay’ and nation-wide lock-down, Bangladesh thought let’s do it for 2 weeks, that is probably fine. 

How do you know 2 weeks and when to start those 2 weeks? The whole thing is messed up just because of taking this in a sloppy way. When government declared general holiday they did not think of telling people what to do these 2 weeks. People seemed to start enjoying vacation by traveling different places. There was no plan for people who were so much dependent on their daily income. 

Not a single country could prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is all about mitigation meaning lowering the speed of transmission and severity by doing only physical distancing. The following graphical view (predicted) explains what to expect when people do not listen. It is the responsibility at the individual level, you do your part and I do my part. 

Police, army, social worker who are told to help people in this crisis, must do their job not by forcing people but changing strategy. If you could keep your family members at home without forcing, you should be able to do the same for others in the same way. This is why Prime Minister of Bangladesh selected you to do this job. And you must display your success, this is the time.

See the graphical prediction:

Writer: Research Biologist, National Institute of Health, USA and ex-Faculty, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.