
Coronavirus claims 11,417 lives, infects 276,462

The new coronavirus pandemic, first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December last year, kept spreading to newer countries.

The deadly virus spread to at least 185 countries and territories, killing some 11,417 people globally, according to Worldometer, a website which compiles number of new coronavirus cases and deaths from it.

As many as 276,462 people worldwide caught the virus. Among them, 91,954 people recovered from the virus, the website said. 

China, the epicenter of the COVID-19, confirmed 3,255 deaths from the virus and affected 81,008.

Italy, the second worst-hit country outside China, surpassed the latter in the number of deaths from the epidemic. It reported 4,032 deaths as of March 21.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases of the European country reached 47,021, more than half of the China's ones.

After Italy, the virus is vastly affecting another European country Spain. It's number of confirmed coronavirus cases rose to 21,571, and deaths 1,093. 

Bangladesh on March 8 confirmed its first three cases of the coronavirus, and on March 20 the number stood at 20. Among them, one ill-fate died, said Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).