
Coronavirus outbreak: Global death toll climbs to 6,516

The death toll from coronavirus or COVID-19 reached 6,516 globally as of Monday.

It has so far infected 169,552 people around the world, according to worldometer, reports UNB.

Of them, 85,283 are currently being treated and 5,921 (or 7 percent) of them are in serious or critical condition.

So far, 84,269 cases had outcomes - 77,753 (92 percent) recovered and 8 percent died.

COVID-19 is affecting 157 countries and territories around the world and one international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan).

Expressing alarm both about the mounting infections and inadequate government responses, the World Health Organization on March 11 declared the coronavirus crisis a pandemic but added that it’s not too late for countries to act.

Bangladesh has so far reported five cases. Four of these patients had come from coronavirus infected countries in Europe. On Sunday, the government announced that the first three patients had been discharged.

Three of the worst-affected countries in Europe recorded their highest death tolls for a single day on Sunday. Italy has so far witnessed 1,809 coronavirus deaths, Spain 288, and France 120.

WHO has declared Europe the "epicentre" of the pandemic which originated in China.