
Bangladeshi catches coronavirus in Italy

A Bangladeshi national has been infected with the novel coronavirus in Italy, the Europe's worst-hit country by the virus, said Bangladesh Embassy in Italy on Wednesday.

ASM Alamgir, chief scientific officer of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), disclosed this to the media.

Alamgir said the patient has been quarantined, and he is doing well. 

Earlier, five Bangladeshi nationals catched coronavirus or COVID-19. Among them, one was shifted to Incentive Care Unit (ICU) as his condition deteriorated, and the rest are in stable situation. 

Apart from this, a Bangladeshi citizen contracted the disease in United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

Coronavirus first emerged in Wuhan of Hubei province in China on December 31, last year and spread to more than 80 countries across the globe. 

As of Wednesday, the virus claimed around 3,203 lives and infected 93,202 globally.