
Dawn-to-dusk hartal in Dhaka Sunday

BNP has called a dawn-to-dusk hartal in the capital Dhaka on Sunday, rejecting the Dhaka City elections.  

The party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir made the announcement at a press conference at the Party's Nayapaltan office on Saturday night. 

He called upon the city dwellers to observe the hartal peacefully.

At the briefing, the BNP leader has raised various irregularities in voting of Dhaka North and South City polls. 

At the breifing, BNP standing committee member Abdul Moyeen Khan, Mirza Abbas, Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku, Begum Selima Rahman, among others, were present.

Meanwhile, the results published, so far, showed that ruling Awami League candidates are ahead in vote counting of both cities' election.