
I’ll have him

A priest conducts a service in a church ‘The person who puts the most in the church collection box can choose three hymns’ he says. The collection box comes back to him after being filled up and he finds that someone has donated a thousand pounds ‘who has donated a thousand pounds?’ he asks. A woman raises her hand. The priest invites her to the front and tells her to choose three hymns. Pointing at the three most handsom men in the church she says ‘I’ll have him, him and him’.###Two kids were talking in the playground. The first kid says, ‘My mum is from Ireland and my dad is from America.  That makes me an Irish-­‐American’. The second kid says, ‘Well my mum is from Iceland and my dad is from Cuba. So I guess that makes me an Icecub’.###Bill happened by his neighbor’s house one day. He saw his friend, farmer John in the apple orchard holding his favorite, prize pig. John would patiently hold Snooks up so she could munch an apple right off the twig, then move on to the next apple and the next. ‘Hello, John,’ says Bill, ‘not to interfere with your pastime but whyn’t ya pick Snooks a bucket of them would save time!’