
Case filed over DU student rape

A case has filed over the alleged rape of a second-year student of Dhaka University (DU) in the city’s Kurmitola area on Sunday night.

The victim’s father filed the case with the Cantonment Police Station, Officer-in-charge of the police station Kazi Shahan Haque on Monday confirmed the case to Jago News.   

However, the students from different institutions including DU took their position at Shahbagh intersection in protest of the alleged rape. 

The victim is now undergoing treatment at the One-Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

Classmates of the victim said she had been picked up by an unidentified man after she got down from the university bus around 7pm and was made unconscious.

Later, the miscreant took her to a nearby place and raped her.

The victim regained consciousness around 10pm and contacted her classmates. She was admitted to DMCH around midnight. On information, DU proctor, teachers and students visited her at the hospital.

Proctor Rabbani expressed shock at the incident and said legal actions will be taken.