
Tasty Treat outlet opened at Rupnagar

‘Tasty Treat’ on Wednesday inaugurated an outlet at Rupnagar in Dhaka for selling bakery items.Jakaria Julfikar, Head of Marketing of Banga Bakers Ltd said ‘Tasty Treat is committed to ensure healthy and hygienic foods at an affordable price to the consumers.’Customer can purchase cakes, pastry, dessert, savory, cookies, biscuits and sweets items from Rupnagar outlet, he added.Jakaria Julfikar also said that ‘We are getting a tremendous response from the market.’Customer can place order through K. M. Junaied, General Manager (Admin) of PRAN-RFL Group, Aminul Islam Rashed, Operation Manager at Banga Bakers Ltd, Ashis Banerjee, Head of Sales and Mahbub Hussain Shajib, Brand Manager of Tasty Treat were present during launching program.Tasty Treat has opened outlet at Mirpur-2, Mohammadpur, Farmgate, Green Road, Lalbagh, Basabo, Wari, Kamlapur, Badda, Banasree, Nikunja in Dhaka.