
There is no charge

An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician are on a train in Scotland. The engineer looks out the window and sees a black sheep. He comments, ‘Look, they have black sheep in Scotland’. Then physicist looks and comments, ‘From this observation, we can only say there is at least one black sheep in Scotland.’ The mathematician then looks and comments, ‘Actually, from this we can only say there is at least one sheep in Scotland that`s black on one side.’###A proton, neutron, and electron walk into a bar. The proton orders a drink, and asks how much it costs. The bartender says, ‘five dollars.’ Next, the electron orders a drink and asks how much it costs. Again the bartender says, ‘five dollars.’ Finally the neutron orders a drink and asks how much it costs.  The bartender says, ‘for you, there is no charge.’###A patient walks into the doctor’s office and says doctor I have pain anywhere I touch my body with my finger! The doctor says that’s unusual. So he tells her to touch her arm with her finger and she screams in pain. He tells her to touch her foot with her finger she yells in agony. He tells her to touch her leg with her finger and she screams. The doctor then goes to the patient and says just as I though your finger is broken!