
There is a toilet on a hill

There is a toilet on a hill. There is a man walking up the hill and a man walking down and a man in the toilet. What are there nationalities? The man going up is Russian and the man going down is finishing and the man in the toilet is European.###A man driving on a highway is pulled over by a police officer. The officer asks, ‘Did you know your wife and children fell out of your car a Kilometer back?’ A smile creeps onto the man’s face and he exclaims, ‘Thank God! I thought I was going deaf!’###Baby polar bear asks its dad, ‘am I a black bear?’ ‘No’ says dad. ‘Am I a grizzly bear?’ ‘No, you’re a polar bear. Go ask your mother, son.’ baby polar bear asks its mum, ‘is I a brown bear, or a sun bear?’ ‘No’, says mum. ‘Am I a black bear or a koala bear?’ ‘No, you’re a polar bear. Why do you ask, son?’ ‘Because I am so cold...!’