
Land to relocate chemical factories within 6 months: Humayun

Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun today said his ministry has taken a decision to prepare a place within six months for relocating the chemical factories and warehouses from Chawkbazar in Dhaka.

“Chemical factories will not be allowed in the residential area. As per the direction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, we will quickly select the land for relocating chemical factories,” he said, reports BSS.

The minister said this while presiding over a meeting held in the Industries Ministry conference room for undertaking important tasks in the wake of the fire incident in Chawkbazar, Old Dhaka on 20 February.

State Minister for Industries Ministry Kamal Ahmed Mojumder and Secretary in Charge of the Industries Ministry M Abdul Halim, among others, were present at the meeting.

Humayun said the government will arrange the place for chemical industries in Keraniganj or Nawabganj areas. “Industries Ministry will take at least 200 acres of land for the industrial estate. The project will be implemented on an emergency basis,” he added.

He said the government has already implemented most of its commitments for developing the country.

He informed that the government will also implement the works of BSCIC Plastic Industry Estate project quickly aimed at relocating the plastic factories from the residential areas.

The industries minister urged related agencies and all authorities concerned to provide necessary assistances to the Industries Ministry for relocating the industries from the residential areas.

Kamal Ahmed Mojumder said this accident could be avoided if all concerned, including the local business community, remained previously conscious.

“Now everyone has to do the duties properly. It is very necessary to expand the streets of old Dhaka. Rajuk will have to come forward quickly in this,” he added.

He said the Industries Ministry will work round the clock for providing the land to the chemical industries owners within six months.

Abdul Halim said the most discussed issue at this time is to relocate the chemical factories and warehouses from Old Dhaka as there are some 4,000 such establishments in the area.

“Today, the Industries Ministry has taken the necessary decisions in this regard,” he added.