
Don’t be stupid

A guy goes to the Doctors and he says ‘Doctor, I’m really worried about my brother, he thinks he’s a Hen!’ The Doctor says ‘well have you taken him to see a psychiatrist?’, and the guy says ‘Don’t be stupid, we need the eggs!’###A brain and a pair of jump leads walk into a bar. The brain orders two pints from the barman but the barman refuses to serve him. When asked why, the barman replies’ Well you’re clearly out of your head, and your friend there looks as if he`s about to start something’.###A man went to a horse breeder and said, I want that horse. The breeder said that horse aint looking so good, but the man still wanted to buy it, so he did. The next day he came back with the horse and said, you sold me a blind horse; the breeder replied I told you that horse aint looking so good.