
PM vows to develop entire country, illuminate all houses

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today inaugurated six power plants and nine grid substations having capacity of 1062 megawatts (MWs), reiterating her determination to develop the whole country and illuminate its all houses.

“Our aim is to spread light of development everywhere and illuminate every house of the country soon,” she said while opening the power plants and grid substations through a videoconferencing from her official Ganabhaban residence here this morning, reports BSS.

Through the same function, Sheikh Hasina also launched the power supply to Sandwip upazila in Chattogram through submarine cable, the first of its kind in the country, and cent percent electrification in 12 upazilas.

The prime minister renewed her call to the people to be economical in using electricity, saying that it will be good if they switch off light in their own hand.

“We’re producing electricity spending a huge amount of money. So all will have to keep in mind that the electricity is not misused,” she said.

After finishing the work, Sheikh Hasina said, the students, teachers, government officials whoever might be will have to switch off fan, lights in their own hands to save electricity.

Referring to her party’s election manifesto, the prime minister said the motto of her government is to develop the entire country and turn every village into town.

“We want the people of every village to get civic amenities and nobody think about going to towns … we will build every village in this way,” she added.

Sheikh Hasina said there will not be a single person to remain homeless in the country. “We will construct house for everybody,” she said, seeking cooperation and doa from all to keep up the country’s development spree.

PM’s Energy Adviser Dr Towfik-e-Elahi Chowdhury and State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid Bipu spoke at the function.

Power Division Secretary Dr Ahmad Kaikaus gave an overview on the overall development in the power sector, while PM’s Principal Secretary Md Nojibur Rahman moderated the function.

Former ministers and Awami League senior leaders Tofail Ahmed and Engineer Mosharraf Hossain, state minister for religious affairs Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, former state minister Mirza Azam, ex-deputy minister Abdullah Islam Al Jakob and parliament members of the concerned areas were present at Ganabhaban.