
PM welcomes opposition criticism of government

Prime Minister and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina today welcomed the criticism of the government from the opposition in Jatiya Sangsad saying that it is crucial in democracy.

“In the trend of democracy, criticism is very important. So I can assure those who are in opposition in parliament can make criticism of the government … we will not create any barrier to this end,” she said, reports BSS.

The prime minister made the remarks while congratulating newly elected Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury and Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Mia of 11th Jatiya Sangsad.

“We didn’t create any obstructions to the criticism of the government in the past and we will not create any barrier also in future,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said it is her responsibility to look into the rights of all members of parliament.

The prime minister requested the Speaker to look into that the treasury and opposition members get equal scope in parliament. “I’m assuring that we will extend all kinds of cooperation,” she said.

The Leader of the House said democracy takes a country towards the path of development and it is proven truth in Bangladesh.

Sheikh Hasina said the people of the country including the mothers, sisters and young voters spontaneously took part in the last general elections. “This parliament has been established through a successful election and I thank and express gratitude to all for it,” she said.

The premier also vowed to protect the interest of the people and maintain peaceful environment in the country, saying that the parliament members will have to perform their responsibility keeping this in mind.

“We are the public representatives as we were elected through their vote. So we will have to give attention so that Bangladesh is established as a developed and prosperous country free from militancy, narcotics and corruption and the peace and security of the people are ensured,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh has graduated to a developing country due to its tremendous socioeconomic uplift over the last 10 years. “Maintaining this trend, we will build a hunger and poverty-free Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu Insha Allah,” she said.

The prime minister said the Awami League government has been able to keep up the continuity of democracy by crossing many hurdles.

“We were elected again in parliament and we must take Bangladesh forward by fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the people — it’s our aim,” she said.

The Leader of the House extended her heartfelt congratulations to Dr Shirin Sharmin on her reelection as the Speaker of parliament. “You conducted parliament efficiently twice in the past and you’re elected speaker for the third time,” she said, wishing her success in her new term.

At the outset of her speech, the prime minister paid tributes to Bangabandhu, the four national leaders as well as three million martyrs and two lakh mothers and sisters who made supreme sacrifice for the cause of independence.