
What is this sent message?

Village girl: What is this sent message?Another: Oh no, IT is so simple, sent message means perfumed message!###One man gets very angry from his dog and decides to leave.He takes his dog to very far road and leaves.When he reaches home back, he finds the dog is at home.He again goes and leaves the dog at very big forest but when he comes back to home, he find dog again at home.Now this time, he decides to leave him on a very complicated place, and he was on his way to return home, he calls his wife and asks if the dogs comes back?His wife says: yes.He asks his wife to send the dog as I forget the way!###An angry guy was sitting in park doing nothing.His friend comes and asks: Hey what are you doing here?Guy: I am taking a revenge!Friend: To whom?Guy: From Time!Friend: How?Guy: Time has spoiled me, now I am spoiling the time!