
PM invites Oikyafront at Gono Bhaban Thursday

The leaders of Jatiya Oikyafront, led by eminent jurist Dr Kamal Hossain, have been invited at Gono Bhaban for talks on Thursday at 7pm.

Responding to the letter of Gonoforum President Dr Kamal Hossain, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a letter invited them for talks over national polls.   

Abdus Sobhan Golap, Office Secretary of Awami League, on Tuesday confirmed the matter to Jago News.  

Earlier on Sunday, Jatiya Oikyafront sent a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina seeking a dialogue over the national election.

Jatiya Oikyafront sent another letter to Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader urging the ruling party to engage in a dialogue over the election.

Kamal Hossain signed the letter sent to the prime minister while Gono Forum general secretary Mostafa Mohsin signed the one sent to Obaidul Quader.