
PRAN, a lifeline for farmers in Natore

PRAN, one of the biggest agro-based companies of the country, is a lifeline for farmers in Natore, therefore, hundreds of farmers and distributors at a human chain have demanded to stop all sorts of conspiracies against it.

The human chain took place at the compound of Natore district administration on Thursday.

The participants also staged a demonstration against Jamuna Television and Daily Jugantor for publishing and broadcasting false, purposive and conspirational news.

After the human chain, farmers from the district handed over a memorandum to the deputy commissioner (DC).

According to the memorandum, PRAN has brought the farmers’ fortune not only in Natore but also the North Bengal. Farmers didn’t get a proper price of their crops once. But the scenario is fully changed. PRAN changed farmers’ life making homemade products. Now the farmers are self-dependable.

While PRAN has been serving to the country’s people through its innovative business idea, a vested quarter is trying to down its reputation as Jamuna Television and Daily Jugantor published conspirational news in a row the other day.

They urged Jamuna TV and Jugantor to stop publishing false and purposive news, the statement also said.

Abdur Rahim, a participant from the human chain, said PRAN is a blessing for us. We are doing well for PRAN. Thousands of farmers depend on PRAN in the North Bengal. It’s not only a conspiracy against PRAN but also farmers and Bangladesh as well.

Afsar Ali, a distributor, said: “I am stunned by the news of Jamuna Television and Daily Jugantor against PRAN. That news is totally baseless. PRAN has been producing its mango juice-based products with the best mangoes, which is provided by the farmers of the district.”