
‘Shafik, Mahmudur not involved in Joy abduction’

Secretary General of BNP Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said Shafik Rehman has been detained in a bid to divert the attention from Bangladesh Bank cyber heist and Tonu murder.Fakhrul remarks this in a protest rally which was held at the Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) on Wednesday noon.Fakhrul said senior journalist Shafik Rehman and Amar Desh acting editor Mahmudur Rahman were not involved with the ‘conspiracy’ of abduction and killing plot of prime minister’s son and her ICT adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy.National People’s Party (NPP) organized the rally in protest against the detention of Shafik Rehman, Shaukat Mahmood and Gazipur Mayor MA Mannan.The party president Dr Fariduzzaman was in the chair.