
The story of a Bangladeshi national who returned from Taliban cave

On the 5th October of 2013 Aminul Islam went to Afghanistan, received a good offer from 1 TV Media television station of Afghanistan. 1TV is concern of Hashmy Group. Hashmy Group is a conglomerate business organization of Afghanistan. Headquarters of Hashmy Group is situated in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan.

He went to Kandahar province of Afghanistan with four other foreign colleagues for visiting transmitter of 1TV from Kabul.

On February 25, 2014, all of them were abducted by Taliban militants.  They have taken to one abandoned solitary shanty as blindfolded. The Taliban Militants has demanded a million dollar as ransom. But the authority of Hashmy Group refused to give ransom as their hope of survival reduce.

He shared his experiences in an exclusive interview with Jago News’ senior reporter Sayem Sabu.

SAYEM SABU: You were abducted in Afghanistan by Taliban militants. They were released you and returned to the country. What is the background of your Afghanistan journey?

AMINUL ISLAM: The abduction occurred on 25 February 2014 and I went Kabul capital of Afghanistan on October 5, 2013. 1 TV station located 17th Wazir Akbar Khan Street in Kabul. I have gotten the appointment by the higher authority of Hashmi Group as a head of Broadcast and Technical Operation.

Meanwhile I have done all of the procedures from manpower bureau for go to overseas job according to the rules of government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh. Hashmi group is a conglomerate largest business organization in Afghanistan. 1TV is an enterprise of Hashmy Group.

Mr. Mikhail Osef who is Chief Operating Officer of Hashmi Group have call me over mobile phone in the first week of September 2013. He would like to know about me regarding my technical expertise respect to the content of satellite television then I asked him how to you have got my number? He told me that, I have collected your biodata from an international job portal.

We are looking for a veteran activist as head of broadcast and technical operation for 1 TV. Already we have reviewed your resume by ATS (applicant tracking system) and your resume match us deserve criteria so, we have considering you. Would you like to work 1 TV in Kabul, Afghanistan?


SAYEM SABU: Did you have accredited their proposal?

AMINUL ISLAM: I asked him what will be my responsibility and where will be the workplace. He said that, 1 TV in Kabul, Capital city of Afghanistan as a head of Broadcast and technical operation. I told him, Afghanistan is a war devastated country and this is dangerous and insecure also.

He replies me, don't worry in this regard. I assure that, you wouldn't have any problem. Moreover, there are some problems here but we will give you security, especially the facilities are pretty good and the other hand we are being in Kabul.

Then I implore him send to me a mail including details all of the information about the job, facilities, what will be employment terms and condition. Within couple of days I have received a mail including details according to my query. Thereafter I have accepted this offer and reply them because always I would like to take lead new challenge.

SAYEM SABU: That time what did you do in Bangladesh?

AMINUL ISLAM: That time I have been doing job at Boishakhi television under broadcast and engineering department in Bangladesh. I have shared about this offer with my close friends. Friends have forbidden me go to Afghanistan.

Even none of the family member disagreed. Despite all the restrictions, I decided that, I have to go. They informed me everything in detail regarding employment terms, condition and others facilities.

After I accepted their offer they suggest me for visit embassy of Afghanistan in Bangladesh to know about necessity of required documents for work in Afghanistan and you should have to inform us regarding which documents necessary according to requirements of Afghanistan embassy of Bangladesh.

Then I have visited the Embassy of Afghanistan in Dhaka according to their suggestion. I came to know the information after visited the Embassy of Afghanistan in Bangladesh, meanwhile you have appointed by which company of Afghanistan the concerned company.

They will have to need permission on behalf of you from the Foreign Ministry of Afghanistan. appeal for VISA along with Passport, appointment letter, MOFA and education certificate which will be attested by ministry of education and ministry of foreign affairs, you have to deposit $ 100 favor of Afghanistan embassy etc.

you will get a visa after the end of our process, then you could access in Afghanistan. Then I informed them all of information to my employer. Then I have sent to them by email the scanned copy of my passport and all documents according to their requirements which are essential for I needed come to Afghanistan.

After 10/12 days, they have informed me update over phone, I have checked my mail, then I went to the Afghanistan Embassy in Dhaka applied for a visa according to their requirements. Afghanistan Embassy verified all of the documents for their satisfaction.

After that, the Afghan Embassy has kept a $ 100 deposit receipt and my passport along with all required documents for visa.  About a week later I have got a single-entry visa for travel to Afghanistan.

I have taken clearance for overseas job from the Manpower Bureau according to the rules government of Bangladesh. At the same time, my educational certificates were to be certified from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I have start journey on 5 October 2013, at 9:00 pm, from Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to Kabul, Afghanistan (there was a two and half hour’s transit in Sharjah airport) I arrived Kabul airport of Afghanistan at 09:00am next day. 1 TV have assigned an individual who would have to receive me and picked up to 1 TV building which is residing Street # 17, Wazir Akbar Khan Kabul-Afghanistan. Near about 45 minutes from Kabul airport.

SAYEM SABU: Last of all did you have reached one TV Media office?

AMINUL ISLAM: Alright, I have arrived in 1 TV office building with him who was assigned by authority. After arrival amid office compound I saw a lot of people gathering, they have been waiting for Weekly meeting. Mr. Andy Wilmers vice president of 1 TV who is citizen of Germany. He introduced me to everyone. I stayed in the meeting till 1pm.

SAYEM SABU: How did the environment look like?

AMINUL ISLAM: Much better. There were many advanced and quality full environments. At the end of the meeting, a guy came to me for taken to the guest house. Then I told them that, I would like to visit the TV station right now, then I will have going to the guest house latter.

I told them, please somebody being stay with me who would able to give me better idea and describe everything regarding 1 TV station. I have been observing the TV station till 5pm. I couldn't understand their local language but I have supposition they discuss among them that, as per our knowledge that, Bengalis are belong to unoccupied society, but he is belong to considerable temperament.

That time everyone was surprised. After long time journey how is it possible for someone, who have joined the meeting and at the moment he would like to visit the Television station. Vice President of 1 TV Mr. Andi Wilmers had been delighted and accompanied me due to visiting period. I went to the guest house after the visit, and I really surprised for glorious environment. Earlier I have never lived in such as so much luxurious environment in my life.

SAYEM SABU: What was the menu of food?

AMINUL ISLAM: There is no simple rice in Afghanistan. Fried rice, special type of bread, meat, marine fish, salad and soft drinks. All most foods are imported from Pakistan, India and other countries.

Employed in Hashmy Group for everyone who are lived in the rest house, $ 850 allocated a month per capita for meal purpose. The next day I went to the office thereafter authority briefed me about my responsibility and task then I takeover my charge in these regards. I supposed to, everything has been ready but there is still quite a lot left to do somewhere working are running.

Later I sat with them for discuss regarding circumstantial situation. And what should to do the requirements according to demanding situation, which about they wanted to know. What is the current status of the TV station and what to do now as per circumstantial situation? I told my opinion to the authorities, as well as mention of my privilege also.

They assured me that, your salary and other benefits will be reshuffle. Don’t worry there will be no problem in this regard but whatever it is, right now you should have to do as quickly as possible according to necessity and what do you think what will be better.

Authority was increased my salary, I was supposed to get at the first offer because the work scales increased that's why they decided to re-organize. The salary that. Everyone could leave according their schedule time.

But my movement was limited to the office and guest house.  Maximum time I used to in working. From the first time they were surprised at my work. Actually, I did not have a place where I will to go because I never been in Afghanistan, although I would like to attraction their attention to me.

A week after joining, they have decided that, send me to a better guest house. That was a long way away. I did not want to go, I explained to them, if at any time there is a crisis or happens any disaster at the TV station then, that moment it will be difficult to recover from incident, that's way I wouldn't like to go there for my personal convenience. I honestly deny this proposal. The guest house was very close with 1 TV Station. Where I have been stayed from the first time. Basically, I wanted to stay near about office because of safety.

SAYEM SABU: Where did the kidnapping incident happen?

AMINUL ISLAM: Afghanistan is mountainous grounds are not like Bangladesh or other plain lands. So, there is several transmitters installed on a specific distance from the main broadcasting center and signal being broadcasting via it various places, such as mobile towers, transmitters are used.

Transmitting signals from one tower to another tower. On the morning of February 25, 2014, we went for the supervision of the towers. We were 5 personalities together. Others citizens were of Canada, Australia, India and Pakistan including me.

First, we went to Mazar-E-Sharif, after Jalalabad then from there I went to Helmand province. From there, we went to Kandahar province by Aeroplan (Hashmy Group belong to East Harijan, which is own Aeroplan service are operates on domestic and international routes).

Supposedly after visiting the tower we would have to return from Kandahar to Kabul by Aeroplan. After visiting the tower in Kandahar, we were talking about ourselves standing in an open place. In the meantime, suddenly a group of 10 to 15 people surrounded us who were armed.

SAYEM SABU: After that what happened?

AMINUL ISLAM: We are unarmed. They tied up hands and eyes all of us and picked up in to a vehicle then they took us to the mountains but that's where we could not understand anything.

SAYEM SABU: What was the look like pattern of kidnappers?

AMINUL ISLAM: Everyone was dressed in black clothes and they get into boots on feet, face was covered by gloves, wearing a mask only eyes could be seen. They have automatic firing weapons and lot of ammunition, bullet and hand grenade on their hand.

SAYEM SABU: There was no talking with you in that time?

AMINUL ISLAM: Exactly. There was no more talking after taking in to the vehicle. Might be there were no more people around.

SAYEM SABU: Why all of you were standing on open space?

AMINUL ISLAM: There was a transmitter mounted roof top of the building after observation this tower we were standing there and talking ourselves.

SAYEM SABU: Did the abductors cognizant about you?

AMINUL ISLAM: Afterwards, I just felt like it. Get down us from vehicle then they have been unlocked eyes but hands were tied. I didn't see this guy who have from Pakistan. Then I thought, most probably that, this person was detective of abductors.

SAYEM SABU: Did you are resided there?

AMINUL ISLAM: After get out from the vehicle they asked for the name and identity of the country. They were surprised to hear my name. Someone of them asked me that, are you Muslim! After confess, for their satisfactory they asked me that, who was the Prophet and could you utter Kalema and Durud, I have done that according to their considerations. Then they believed and accept me as a Muslim. Then they were taken me away among the rest of three. After that, kept them there. One hour was almost the path.

SAYEM SABU: At that time nobody reduces the speed of vehicle. Law Enforcement agency, Army or police were not on the road?

AMINUL ISLAM: They take only me and blindfold my eyes again this path was near about an hour. I could understand, likewise going to on the serpentine road. But I couldn't say anything about road, location and environments. They were speaking in the local language. I could not understand Pashto language.

The lower region at the mountain was kept in an abandoned hut. They have brought under control my cell phones and laptop near them. I could not understand Pashto language. The lower region at the mountain was kept in an abandoned hut.

They have brought under control my cell phones and laptop near them. None of them did not talk to me at this time. I was kept in an abandoned hut which was locked from outside. 4/5 personality, they were awareness on duty of outer with automatic weapon.

SAYEM SABU: There was no other house around?

AMINUL ISLAM: I can’t say. There was a window in the house. Only mountains could be seen by the window. I couldn't see any more people and any house there.

SAYEM SABU: was there no light in the house?

AMINUL ISLAM: There was a bulb in the house but I couldn't understand that, it was powered by through solar panels or in electricity. The place was abandoned and it was wondering that no one lives here also.

SAYEM SABU: did you get meal for kept survive?

AMINUL ISLAM: I was kept in the solitary abandoned hut for 13 days. First day they did not give any food. Next day from morning they were given me little bit water, date.

SAYEM SABU: Are they did not tell the reason for kidnapping?

AMINUL ISLAM: On the fourth day they were told me, you solicit your company to give us money as a ransom. If we wouldn't get ransom from your employer then then we will kill all of us.

SAYEM SABU: How much money they have demand its purpose?

AMINUL ISLAM: They claimed 1 million dollars but I couldn't tell that, it was only for merely alone nor for everyone I couldn't understand.

SAYEM SABU: Talked to the company about it?

AMINUL ISLAM: Exactly, I talked to the Chief Operating Officer about the issue but he told me such as that, the company will not give any ransom rather try to understand where your position at the moment. Then you should have to let us inform about it. Therefore accordingly, we with the help of the law enforcement agencies, we would have to arrange to rescue you.

SAYEM SABU: Talked it's about from your mobile phone?

AMINUL ISLAM: Yes, but not from the mobile number, spelled out through Skype. Might be nobody couldn't able to tracking number and location.

After talking, they took the mobile and thus, three more days passed. Talked to the company it's about several time but company is still in the previous position. They repeatedly say that they will running a military operation. Already have passed 10 days thus.

SAYEM SABU: In the meantime, wouldn't talk in to the family or anyone?

AMINUL ISLAM: No. I did not talk to anyone outside the company. If wanted they then would only speaking.

SAYEM SABU: Did not give them any other food at this time?

AMINUL ISLAM: No. little bit Just dates, biscuits and water. I could feel might be they were astonished to see my survival in this way.

SAYEM SABU: Which language were they talking to you?

AMINUL ISLAM: They speak in English with me and could speaking English very well. But when they spoke among themselves, they spoke in their native language at that time.

SAYEM SABU: How many people they have talked to you?

AMINUL ISLAM: From outer side many people were guarded. But one/two person have spoken to me and those who used to speak they have come from outside. After ten days of receiving the company's response, I was asked to speak at home. They told me that, if you give ransom then, you will be released.

Otherwise we will be killed you obviously. We have killing people than two/four or more people every day. If you listen to us and could understand, you will be saved, otherwise it will end here. You think about it's, what should you do now.

SAYEM SABU:  What did get about their identity?

AMINUL ISLAM: They were all known themselves as Taliban members.

SAYEM SABU: What was behind the reason, why they have taken ransom? Have they told about it's?

AMINUL ISLAM: They used to say, if we didn't get money thus, how would we receive and continue we are fighting for Islam and this is rights of Muslims. US forces are torturing on Muslim. In order to survive this injustice, we kidnap foreigners and get ransom from them. I seem to that basically; foreign citizen’s ransom is one of the main sources of income.

SAYEM SABU: Did you have spoken to your home?

AMINUL ISLAM: I told them (I implore them cordially and make them clear about my condition), there is none in my house, who could provide money. Someone among them told, how much money could arrange from your home in exchange for your life? Once again I told them, nobody couldn't be giving money.

The next day two more people came. They came and asked me about my family. I told them about my family. Although I also told them that I am the eldest of four brothers. My remaining brothers have not the ability to pay money. Then they asked me about my father. I told them, my father died over two decades ago. That time I couldn't hold my sensibility. It was unknowingly tears in my eyes.

I thought might be they were a bit sympathetic to me then, they also gave a lot of consolation, I tried to convince them. If I had lot of money, then I wouldn't come to work in your country.  If the company of your country does not give money, then I couldn't nothing to do at the moments.

SAYEM SABU: Did not any changes of food at this time?

AMINUL ISLAM: That night they have given me a packet fried rice and water. I was keeping such situation which environment was so much scary and dangerous for every moment what I couldn't imagine and never describe about it, I was very hungry and tired, I do not know what will be happens end result of my luck. I was somewhat sure that they might kill me. If Taliban militants kill me, I wouldn't see my relative and family members, then they will not send my dead body to my country. My family members could not see me again. Thinking of all this, I was thinking to asleep. At that time, I felt like I was resting on a no man's land. This place does not have the right to life or death in this place. This place is just a place of rest for the people of the dead. I do not know what time is now? After abduction as long as is going to might be they were surprised to see my physical and mental strength. In fact, that was really astonishing for subsistence in this situation.

SAYEM SABU: They did not use any others strategy?

AMINUL ISLAM: One day two Taliban Militant come and tell me. How much money permutation afford your relative for your life. If you’re relative wouldn't send money from your house. This is the bomb, we will be going out in the house then pressing the button for destroy the bomb along with you and everything also. Now tell us you would have to leave your live either you should have to give us ransom. Choice is yours. At that time, I was shown something like a remote control. They told me, if we will press it then you're finished.

SAYEM SABU: How was the fear in your thoughts?

AMINUL ISLAM: 11th day of kidnapping. I was very quiet at that time because I had nothing alternative to left.   They speaking with me that day at one time they became very excited and two grenades left in the house and went away. Another was sitting his next, he was also with arms and bullets in his hand. That time this guy also left with him but his arms and bullet put on the bench in this hut. At that time, I thought them leaving the grenade for kill me but I couldn't understand why they left their firearm and a few bullets in the hut?  Did they have done such unconsciously or lack of their attention or intentionally. Nor from any other views which was hidden. I couldn't able to understand. They got out of the hut quickly and locked the door then I also lock the door from inner side quickly. Thereafter then I stand up immediately and took the arms, ammunitions and grenades together under my control.

SAYEM SABU: Then what happened?

AMINUL ISLAM: Suddenly and pronouncement the situation changed. from outside they are telling me that, now you would have to arrange ransom and you should have to make sure us, rather be obviously we would have to press button of the remote control for outburst the bomb then absolutely you will be exterminate completely. I told them, you could have to do whatever you like. I was unarmed but right now I have arms, ammunitions and grenades to which you have left for destroy me. I familiar all about these arms so, definitely I should have to use of highest effectiveness all of the power that which have me under control and the other hand I am trying convince and make sure them that, I am not your enemy either you are my enemy.  I was telling them also you should have to discuss with government of your country respect to your content along with your ideology which you have belonging and your belief. I have come to your country just for earning money for work. Why you would like to kill me? What would you achieve by killing me? If you kill me then what will happen of my family, did you consider about it ever. According to your statement you are committed to protecting Islam but do you know that, what does say in Islam? Islam have given permission never for someone who could reserve right for killing human.

SAYEM SABU: Did you were concerned and scared of the explosion of grenade?

AMINUL ISLAM: They have given me threatened to explode. That time I was explanation them, I know better about this arms, ammunitions and grenade whether the blast will happen or not. Which grenade that you have left behind for destroy me. This is hand grenade one is RGS-72 made in Australia and other one is HE-36. For your more information that, this grenade will be secure until safety pin has not been released and the firing weapon is 7.62 mm. AK-56 SMG (submachine gun) made in china. I'm used to such weapon and I also familiar with more heavy weapons.

SAYEM SABU: Then that time what did they told?

AMINUL ISLAM: They asked me, I was serving in any defense force in Bangladesh? I told them that, what did you think about me? I also wanted to create counter pressure on them.

SAYEM SABU: Did they have get on scared?

AMINUL ISLAM: They were talking among themselves and they could understand that, they quite sure about me, I worked in the defense forces in my country. not only that, he took commando training and he has a good idea about small arms and explosive It is also proven that, how to possible for survives from the such tough environment without any special training. I showed grenades and told them, lots of destructive power of this hand grenade but after released the safety pin. Right now, keeping the grenade disarm condition. Right now, this grenade is incapable for blasting, until release the safety pin from the grenade. And I think it's like a toy and the arms you left behind there were 35 rounds bullets in per magazine including 10 more magazine. Moreover, total of 350 rounds bullets keeping me under control. I know better what can be done by this automatic arm. At the moment what you are thinking and bear which idea about me this is absolutely correct and your idea is quite legitimate. I told to them repeatedly, I wouldn't take such as which will be any damage for you. But you should have to promise that, you also spare me smoothly without any damage. I would like to back my country.

SAYEM SABU: What was the determination of them?

AMINUL ISLAM: They started discussing with me again. I implored them for     my food. Then they gave me food better then past days.

SAYEM SABU: Then they were no longer talking about the terms and   condition?

AMINUL ISLAM: Thus, I was in captivity of their custody since for 12 days. That night they talk to me from far away and not coming near. I told them, there was no mention of killing people anywhere in Islam. I cordially implore you please don't force me for bound to do such as which will be worse. You know better why you are doing so and what is behind the reason. I wouldn't to do such as which will be harm for both of us. I want to return to my country.

SAYEM SABU: how did you get so much courage?  That was after getting arms?

AMINUL ISLAM: moreover, this I had no any other choice. I couldn't explain about that, but I realized this was the end of my life, definitely I have to be taken tactics. So, when I have get the weapon obviously I would have to kill them as much as possible to me.

SAYEM SABU: Did you have talked any more with your home?

AMINUL ISLAM: I didn't talk with anyone of my home, even though there is no Bangladesh embassy in Afghanistan.

SAYEM SABU: The was the next consequence?

They told me that, if you back our arms to us then we will release you tomorrow morning. I told them, it will not be enough. As a Muslim I cordially implore to you that, please you should have to drop that place where from you were kidnapped me. I told them, if reached that place then I will try to contact to company for picked me from here because I never been in Afghanistan. So, I couldn't recognize any location.

SAYEM SABU: Did you get any news about others Kidnapped person?

AMINUL ISLAM: not at all rather than I wanted to know several times but they scold me and didn't told me about it moreover they threaten me for never ask any more news about them.

SAYEM SABU: At that time Taliban Militants were changed their having in   custody and watchman for you?

AMINUL ISLAM: Most probably right, I apprehended that tricks of them it seemed as if the person's structure and language were heard. Without eyes nothing was seen. They wear gloves in hand, they beard, and nice to see everyone the physical structure is tall and strong.

SAYEM SABU: At that moment did they impose to you other condition?

AMINUL ISLAM: They offered me to join them and offered to be with them. I think most probably they offered me this proposal by looking at my courage and estimating the experience about training.

SAYEM SABU: What did you say to them about this offer?

AMINUL ISLAM: I refuse their offer directly and again I implore them for release me.

SAYEM SABU: Then what happened next?

AMINUL ISLAM: Then they told me with the second option that, we could release you but one condition, you couldn't stay in this country anymore and definitely you should have go back to your country, Otherwise, if you would like to stay in this country, we will kill you anyhow. Then I admitted their proposal. I confirm you, absolutely I have to back to my country and you shouldn't have any doubt about my vow. I wouldn't join and being with you for such type militant activity.

SAYEM SABU: Did you get released from seizing of Taliban Militants?

AMINUL ISLAM: On March 10th, the picked up me a car again and after a while reached somewhere then get down and asked me that, could you recognize this place. I replayed them I couldn't recognized this place then someone told me among them we were apprehended you from here. Then I try to identify. that time we exchanged our material which was their under control and I also handover them their arms according to commitments for both of us and I told them thank you "God bless you" then and there someone told me that, "there is no God but Allah" okay then I repeat once again that, Almighty Allah bless you with his best love for ever.

SAYEM SABU: Did you handover them their arms?

AMINUL ISLAM: Before leaving I handover their arms and it was me under control in the car.

SAYEM SABU: Are you didn't get afraid that time?

AMINUL ISLAM: Obviously, that time I was intense fear, it seems, whether they kill me from behind but they didn't do that and the kept their commitment. When the car was departed, then the fear was gone.

SAYEM SABU: Did you come back to the office?

AMINUL ISLAM: That time I was alone then I contacted to office over the phone. I told them my location. Company sent to me 3 people for pick up me. They came back to Kabul with me by an airplane from Kandahar. After going to the office, they hospitalize me for checked up at that time. There was some psychological weakness. But body was still okay but it was tired.

SAYEM SABU: Had the condition with them you have to go back your country. Did you tell the office authority about it?

AMINUL ISLAM: Exactly right, I have been reminding office authority several times the issue of going back to my country since after returning.

SAYEM SABU: Did you talk to house after being released?

AMINUL ISLAM: Not at all, still I wouldn't conversant at home in this regard. My younger brother is in Dubai. He got worried about getting switch off my phone. One day my brother asked me I couldn't reached you over phone what’s the problem? Then I discussed the matter to the younger brother and I also told him now I'm fine. There is no reason to be scared. He crying after heard this issue then he requested me please you should go back to home do not need money.

SAYEM SABU: Now come to your personal context. Once upon a time, you served in Bangladesh Army. Presently you have been doing job in satellite television under Broadcast Operations & Engineering Department as a technical activist. How is it possible? How did you achieve this knowledge about it?

AMINUL ISLAM: I joined in Bangladesh Army as a soldier in the year of 1988, after finishing the Initial and basic training I could understand that, if someone would like try to study than it is possible for him and definitely he will be succeed because there was a lot of time to study in the army. I have completed MSS while in the army. That time an army officer in the army gave me a lot of encouragement to study. After completed post-graduation I decided to quit my job from Army. I came back to the home after quit from job, I took part in several training when I have been served in Army that time I acquired the knowledge especially skilled in both theoretical and technical fields.

SAYEM SABU: What did you have doing at home?

AMINUL ISLAM: I was involved in agriculture and business. But I could not stay longer in the local area. Around close relatives, neighbor began to harass politically, maybe I had some of my own mistakes that time. I decidedly decided that, I have to go to Capital city for became reestablishment myself then I came to Dhaka and I have get admission post-graduate diploma course on computer. After successfully completed my course with internship I have got job in an IT firm, during my service tenure in that IT firm I was introduced to Mr. Syed Latuf Ali who is former Chief Engineer Bangladesh Television. I think it was my fortunate to get acquainted with such a person like him. At one time he asked me about a technical topic. I was able to make him clear about it's then he was satisfied to me as explained. Later, he encouraged me, there after I joined a private satellite television in September 2005, from there I started to my job with television channels. After that, in 2008 I left it and joined another new television.

SAYEM SABU: If you will make create to superfluous time then how to   spending your leisure time?

AMINUL ISLAM: Generally, I would like to spend my leisure time on reading books, newspapers home and abroad on online, watching the news, movie on television, listening music and if I get a lot of time then I would have to go somewhere for turn visit to new because always I would like to take lead a new challenge.

SAYEM SABU: Who is your favorite writer and basically do you read more than which writer's book?

AMINUL ISLAM: Almost I read books of many authors, almost all books are good to me however, I found something special in about Ernest Miller Hemingway. I have been inspired by after read almost all of his books. Especially the written by Ernest Hemingway- The Old Man and The Sea, The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Death in The Afternoon splendent and his inconceivable quote which is that, “Hemingway proved once again to be a master of the "one true sentence": "From things that have happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know, you make something through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive, and you make it alive, and if you make it well enough, you give it immortality." I think inspiration to me for move forward is speech of Ernest Miller Hemingway.

SAYEM SABU: How do you feel now?

AMINUL ISLAM: After returning from Afghanistan Once upon a time I fall in deadly road accident and I got injured seriously. I couldn't able to do work for a year. There after I joined a newly launched television channel where someone have been doing job as a Broadcast Manager I am preceding familiarity with him. Than he has cordially cooperate and help me with his good-self. I'm there now. The day is going on, that’s it.