
What happens on the internet in 60 seconds

Wonder what happens on internet in one minute? Lots. The amount of transactions and exchanges that happen on internet in 60 seconds is mind-blowing. Here`s what 60 seconds mean on the most important elements of internet - Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, YouTube, Tinder, Snpachat, YouTube and more ...As much as 701,389 Facebook logins.On Facebook - owned WhatsApp, almost 20.8 million messages are exchanged every minute.On Google search - the world`s biggest search engine - one minute equals to 2.4 million search queries.The global dating website gets 972.222 swipes every minute.The video-sharing website YouTube boasts of 2.78 million video views per minute.As many as 150 million emails sent are sent every one minute.Cab-hailing service Uber sees 1389 rides every 60 seconds.Here`s another astounding number - 527,760 photos are shared on Snapchat every minute.Apple`s App Store sees as many as 51,000 app downloads every minute.Ecommerce behemoth sees sales worth $203,596 every minute on its website.For job website LinkedIn, every minute means addition of at least 120-plus new accounts.Microblogging website Twitter sees 347,222 Tweets per minute.Photo-based social media platform Instagram witnesses 34,194 new posts in every 60 seconds.