
A Cow Was Walking

A Cow Was Walking, Newton Stopped ItNEWTON’S LAWs:A Cow Was Walking, Newton Stopped it...He Stopped, He Found His 1st Law…‘An Object Continues To Move Unless It Stops’He Gave A Force By Kicking The CowIt Gave A SoundHe Formulated The 2nd Law…‘Force, F=MA’After Sometimes Cow Gave A Kick To Newton, Then He Formulated 3rd Law. ‘Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction’


Please turn off the computerDad’s writes on son’s face book wall:Dear Son, how are you? All are fine here. We miss you a lot.Please turn off the computer and come down for dinner.


Fighting For a Chewing GUMA Kid On His Way 2 Home With His MomSaw A Couple Kissing On The Road,He Suddenly Shouted & Said:Look Mom look, that boy and girlAre Fighting For A Chewing GUM.