
US warns China on growing militarization in South China Sea

The United States warned Beijing on Thursday that there will be consequences for its growing militarization in the South China Sea, following reports of missiles being deployed to three of the country’s outposts in the disputed region.

US intelligence assessed that there is a high probability the Chinese military had deployed anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles to three artificial islands during recent military drills on the contested sea.

But a US defense official told CNN it was unclear if the missiles remained on the outposts following the April exercises.

The South China Sea is one of the most contested regions in the world, with overlapping territorial claims by China, the Philippines and Vietnam, among several others.

The move would mark the first reported Chinese missile deployment in the Spratly Islands, a series of small inlets and reefs that Beijing has slowly built into militarized, artificial islands to reinforce its claims.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Thursday that the United States has “raised concerns” with the Chinese. “We’re well aware of China’s militarization of the South China Sea,” she said.

“There will be near-term and long-term consequences, and we’ll certainly keep you up to date,” she added.

CNBC first reported the Chinese military had deployed the weapons systems to Subi Reef, Fiery Cross Reef and Mischief Reef, east of the Philippines, on Thursday, quoting a source with knowledge of US intelligence reports.

According to CNBC, the YJ-12B anti-ship missiles would be able to strike ships up to 295 nautical miles away from the artificial islands.

Beijing previously announced in 2016 it had already deployed similar weapons to Woody Island in the Paracel Islands, on the northwestern edge of the South China Sea.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Friday the deployment of “necessary national defense facilities” to the artificial islands were within China’s rights.

“It has nothing to do with militarization,” she told reporters at her daily press briefing. “The US constantly strengthens its military deployment in the South China Sea ... they should consider the consequence of this. We think the US should reflect on its wrong doing.”

She said on Thursday China has “indisputable sovereignty” over the contested islands.

China's militarization has alarmed countries both in the region and around the world, prompting freedom of navigation operations by the US Navy to assert its right to travel in international waters.

"The United States has long raised concerns about the militarization of outposts on disputed features in the South China Sea," said a State Department official who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

"China's leadership has publicly pledged not to pursue militarization in the disputed Spratlys. We are concerned that China is not acting in accordance with this pledge."

Source: CNN