
9 killed in military plane crash in US state of Georgia

A 60-year-old U.S. military cargo plane on its final scheduled flight crashed onto a highway in the U.S. state of Georgia Wednesday, apparently killing all nine passengers and crew.

Witnesses said the plane barely missed hitting cars and people on the ground as it fell from the sky and exploded into a fireball. It had just taken off from the Savannah International Airport.

Military officials have yet to release the death toll, but it is believed there are no survivors.

The C-130 cargo plane belonged to the Puerto Rico Air National Guard. It was on its way to an air base in Arizona, where it was to have been retired after 60 years of service.

The plane was recently used to fly stranded Americans from the British Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma last year. It also flew supplies to Puerto Rico following the devastation left by Hurricane Maria.

All nine killed Wednesday had helped with hurricane relief.

US president Donald Trump was informed of the crash and tweeted his condolences to the victims and their families. 

Source: The Voice of America