
Police finds diary of slain Nazim, not any post of Blog

Police have been found a diary of Nazimuddin Samad who was killed on Wednesday in Dhaka.The police personnel also confirmed that, they didn’t find any post of Blog of Nazim. Although Al Qaeda blamed Nazim as an anti-Islamist blogger after confessing that they killed him.  The police officer told Nazim used to write on social networking site Facebook but they didn’t find any sentences that are goes to against Islam.  They said Nazim criticized the different activities of the government but he also appreciated in many works.However, Nazim came to Dhaka from Sylhet to complete his degree in Masters of law under the evening course of Jagannath University.On Wednesday he was gunned down after indiscriminately hacked him by miscreants.Later Site Intelligence Group claimed that Ansar Al-Islam, a branch of Indian Sub continent of Al Qaeda published a written statement and mentioned they killed Nazim to defamation the Islam.