
Station Master and a Lady Passenger

Customer called to Tech support: “my computer is not connecting to Internet”Tech support: “Ok, which operating system are you using?”Customer: “Internet explorer”!Tech support: “No, you just right click on “my computer” and click on the properties menu”Customer: “what are you saying, this is not your computer and it is my computer”! ###Mother to Johnny: “how was your exam, are all questions difficult?”Johnny: “No mom, all the questions were simple, it was the answers which gave me all the trouble”! ###A lady was running to catch a train to Bangalore. She reached the station and was searching for the train. Passenger: (Asked to the station master) Sir, is this my train? Station Master: No Madam, this is not your train, it’s railways department’s train. Passenger: (Annoyed) that’s a good joke. Don’t act too smart. What I meant was, can I take this train to Bangalore?Station Master: No ma’am, you cannot! This train is so BIG and you can’t take it. Passenger: It’s really funny! Now say me, will this train take me to Bangalore? Station Master: NO ma’am. The train can’t take you. The train driver will drive it to Bangalore!The passenger fainted!