
Bangladeshi found dead in USA

A Bangladeshi man was found dead at Wichita city in Kansas of USA on Sunday morning (USA local time).

The deceased was identified as Hasan Rahman, a Pizza Hut delivery driver of a restaurant and a former Wichita State University student.

There is no indication that the Pizza Hut delivery driver who was fatally shot and left in his trunk over the weekend had been robbed, Wichita police said Monday.

Mahmood Karim with the Wichita Bangladesh Community says Hasan was a very helpful young man.

Rahman moved to Wichita seven years ago from Bangladesh; friends say he was always giving.

He went out to deliver pizzas late Saturday night but didn’t return.

Some of the restaurant’s property was found in the yard of the last home he stopped.

Sunday morning his body was found in the trunk of his vehicle. No arrests have been made in the case.

Rahman leaves behind his sister and his parents in Bangladesh and a cousin in Wichita. He impacted many other lives.

“I read somewhere that death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss in life is what dies inside us when we live. With his passing, something died inside of all the Bangladeshi community,” said Karim.

There will be a fundraiser to send Hasan’s body back to his parents. Pizza Hut has been asked to help.

Pizza Hut of Southeast Kansas released the statement expressing its condolences:

“There are no words that can express the grief and sadness we feel as a result of this tragedy. This is a very close-knit group, and this has hit us all very hard. Our offices are in Wichita and we are all members of this community. Hasan was an outstanding person and team member. Obviously, our employees and their safety is a top priority for us. We are fully cooperating with local law enforcement as part of their investigation. Our sincerest heartfelt sympathies go out to Hasan’s family, friends and our fellow team members affected by this senseless tragedy.”