
Work on Rohingya crisis solution progressing: Quader

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said here today the work on solving the Rohingya crisis has been gradually improving as Myanmar has agreed to take back their citizens with intensifying international pressure to solve the issue in line with Kofi Annan's proposal.

"The Myanmar government has given assurance to bring back their citizens and international pressure is being mounted to implement the Kofi Annan's proposal," he said while replying to a query after Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Harsh Vardhan Shringla paid a courtesy call to him at his Secretariat office.

"We held talks about different aspects including Rohingya issue with the Indian high commissioner. Indian voice against the issue is being made much stronger than that of previous," he said, quoting Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's recent remarks during her two-day official visit to Bangladesh.

Sushama Swaraj said that the Myanmar government would have been compelled to repatriate Rohingyas to their country and India has started raising pressure on Myanmar to this end.

Obaidul Quader, also General Secretary of the ruling Awami League (AL) said that the United States is considering to impose tougher ban on Myanmar aimed at solving the Rohingya crisis.

"More international pressures will have to be mounted on Myanmar to this end," he added saying, "If necessary they should consider imposing tougher ban on Myanmar to bring back Rohingyas."

A delegation of the AL is likely to go to India at the end of November next upon an invitation of Ram Madhav, General Secretary of BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) during his recent visit to Bangladesh.

Replying to a query about the meeting, Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Harsh Vardhan Shringla, said that Bangladesh's support for Rohingyas is highly praise worthy and India has full support to their efforts.

India has believed that Myanmar would have to create environment for safe and sustainable repatriation of Rohingya along with stopping repression in Rakhine State.

Recommendations of the commission of Kofi Annan will bring the appropriate solution to solve the crisis, he also said.

Source: BSS