
Ivanka Trump could run for president, says mother

After almost 10 tumultuous months of Donald Trump as President of the United States, his former wife has suggested he may not be the last member of the family to hold the position.

Speaking in her new book, the leader's first spouse, Ivana, says their daughter - Ivanka - could run for office in 15 years’ time.

In the book, Raising Trump, Ivana discusses her marriage to the real estate magnate from 1977 to 1992 and the future for their three children, including Ivanka’s own political career.

“Maybe in fifteen years, she could run for president?” she writes about her daughter, Ivanka, before musing about her own possible title.

“First Lady? Holds no appeal for me personally. First Mother? That could work.”

The book pulls back the curtain on a stormy period of the leader's life, including the messy divorce that was splashed across tabloids for weeks after his public affair with Marla Maples.

Ivana Trump was married to the former reality show star for 15 years and says she knew her marriage was over soon after a day in December 1989 when she was approached by Maples.

“This young blonde woman approached me out of the blue and said 'I'm Marla and I love your husband. Do you?”'

“I said 'Get lost. I love my husband.' It was unladylike but I was in shock.”

Mr Trump's public affair with Maples spawned the infamous “Best Sex I've Ever Had” headline in the New York Post in 1990. After divorcing his first wife, he married Maples in 1993.

“Raising Trump” is released next week and also reveals the couple's three children, Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric. Don Jr didn't speak to their father for a year after the split.

“I can only shake my head at how it insane it was,” Ivana Trump writes. “I couldn't turn on the television without hearing my name.”

But she and the President have returned to far warmer terms. She said they speak about once a week and that she encourages him to keep using Twitter.

She said in a CBS News interview this week that she was offered the post of ambassador to the Czech Republic, her native country, but turned it down because she already has “a perfect life.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the ambassadorship post.

Source: The Independent