
Google is finally killing interstitial Ads

Google Inc. has conducted a research on the efficiency of online ads, particularly the full-page pop-up ads that are becoming a nuisance to mobile users.Google admitted that the majority of the audience who comes across the pop-up ads that tries to sell an item or convince the user to download an app are ignoring these prompts.When viewed on a mobile, the website flings a full-page ad of its native app on display instead of bringing the user to the desired page. Clicking this ad will bring the user to Google Play or the Apple App Store.Instead of purchasing the native app, users get turned off and abandon accessing the website altogether. Google Inc. looked at its own interstitial and found that only 9% of the audience clicked on the ad to get to the app`s Google Play page. This is not an assurance that the app has been downloaded, just that the "Get App" button on the ad was pressed.Worse, the study found that 69% of the users who were disrupted by the full-page ad aborted attempts to access the desired website. It is killing business by driving the traffic away.Tech Times mentioned that 9% click-rate is a good number in online advertising, however, as previously noted, not all these users have actually downloaded the app after seeing the ad. In addition, these interstitials appear even if the user has the native app installed on his or her smartphone.To mend the mistakes, Google has announced that it is finally killing interstitials in favour of the banners that appear on the fringes of the page. This technique, in some instances, is more effective in selling their products. In a separate study conducted last year, researchers removed the interstitials for a time and found that the mobile version of the website received 17% more traffic that when it had the pop-up full-page ads.This research doesn`t ring true on all services; it might be possible that it is only applicable to Google`s services. However, the internet company advised that websites reconsider the use of interstitial ads to create a more user-friendly web browsing.