
Rohingya crisis: Myanmar minister arrives in Dhaka

Minister of the Office of State Counselor of Myanmar Kyaw Tint Swe arrived in the capital on Sunday night to discuss the Rohingya issue with Bangladesh authorities, reports BSS.

State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has sent the minister as her representative to Dhaka for discussing the Rohingya issue with Bangladesh government amid growing international pressure on Myanmar following exodus of over five lakhs of its nationals in Bangladesh.

During his visit, the Myanmar minister will hold meeting with Bangladesh Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali today.

The Myanmar minister will not visit Cox's Bazar to see the plight of Rohingya people, who were forcibly displaced by Myanmar government, although Dhaka earlier made a request to Naypyidaw in this regard.

Over half a million Rohingyas have taken shelter in Bangladesh since Aug 25 when the military crackdown began in the northern Rakhine State over alleged terrorist attacks on security outposts.

International pressure has been mounted on Myanmar for violence against Rohingya people in Rakhine state where another 250,000 faced the risk of displacement.