
Rohingya crisis: Myanmar minister to arrive Dhaka tonight

Myanmar’s de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi is sending Minister of the Office of Myanmar’s State Counsellor Kyaw Tint Swe to Bangladesh amid international pressure over the Rakhine State crisis in which her government stands accused of ‘ethnic cleansing’.

The minister will arrive on Sunday night, a foreign ministry source told

The international community mounted pressure on Myanmar with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warning that the violence against Rohingya Muslims could spread to central Rakhine, where another 250,000 faced the risk of displacement.

The United States demanded punishment for Myanmar’s military leaders, who control Myanmar’s all key ministries including home and defence despite a return of democracy after decades of military rules.

Bangladesh in an open debate at the UN Security Council urged the 15-body council not to shift its focus from Myanmar until a “logical solution” to the decades-old issue that turned into an unprecedented humanitarian crisis after the Aug 25 military crackdown.