
Bangladesh calls for safe return of Rohingyas to Myanmar

Bangladesh has called for ensuring the safe return of all Rohingyas to their homeland and invited the UN Security Council members to conduct a field mission to Bangladesh and possibly Myanmar to gather first-hand accounts of the unfolding humanitarian crisis.“Bangladesh looks forward to ensuring the safe, voluntary and sustainable return of all those displaced from Myanmar into our territory over the years, including the recent arrivals,” Bangladesh Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Masud Bin Momen told the UN Security Council Meeting on the ‘Situation in Myanmar’ (under Rule 37) on Thursday, according to a message received here today.Momen said Bangladesh also looks forward to immediately start working with Myanmar and the international community to help implement the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State.He said Bangladesh’s experience from the last three decades makes it obvious that the bilateral track loses its momentum as soon as the international community shifts its attention elsewhere.“We, therefore, urge this Council to keep this issue alive in its agenda and make sure that we manage to arrive to the point of its logical conclusion ... We also invite the Council members to conduct a field mission to Bangladesh and possibly Myanmar to gather first-hand accounts of the unfolding humanitarian crisis,” he said.The ambassador reiterated Bangladesh’s call to immediately solve the Rohingya crisis.“As stated by our honourbale Prime Minister in the General Assembly, which I would like to reiterate that the crisis has its root in Myanmar and its solution has to be found in Myanmar,” he said.Momen said the Council should also take into account that reportedly more than two divisions of armed forces had been deployed by Myanmar in areas near Bangladesh border since the first week of August 2017.“Troops were spotted within 200 meters of the zero line, and heavy armaments and artillery are reportedly placed in close proximity of our border. There have been 19 reported incidents of Bangladesh’s air space violation by Myanmar helicopters and drones, including the latest one the day before Wednesday,” he said.The ambassador said anti-personnel mines have reportedly been laid along the stretch of the border to prevent the return of Rohingyas to Myanmar and there have been incidents of firing on Bangladeshi fishermen resulting in death of one.Momen said Bangladesh continues to exercise utmost restraint in the face of such repeated, unwarranted and willful provocations. “As a responsible and responsive state, we shall forge ahead seeking peaceful and lasting solution to this protracted situation through diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation,” he said.Accordingly, he said, the Bangladesh premier made a five-point proposal last week at the General Assembly that have been largely echoed by the UN Secretary General and Council members on Thursday afternoon.“Pursuant to those points, the immediate priorities should be to cease all forms of violence and ensure protection and humanitarian assistance for those affected or vulnerable in Rakhine State,” Momen said.Source: BSS