
Have you tried eating water?

Looking to stay fit? Try something that is creating a huge buzz in fitness-savvy circles -infused detox waters.Part of the clean eating mantra, this is about plain water to which pieces of real fruit are added, minus any artificial flavors’. It`s touted as the most effective ways to hydrate and experts are advocating people to ‘eat’ this, to stay healthy.Why it’s so beneficial:There are definite signs that we aren`t getting enough water-like puffy eyes, bloatedness, dry , patchy skin and a sluggish system. The need is to go beyond just water and have the water-rich foods which allow us to absorb water more slowly and keep it in longer. Did you know most foods have a water content, even a slice of bread? A single tomato has 110 ml of water and a serving of iceberg lettuce contains 300ml and zucchini has 95 per cent water.These waters have flavour of juice, without the extra sugar or calories. Use a combination of these fruits and vegetables that suit you -strawberries in water give glowing skin, starfruit and ginger gives vitamin C, and a carrot-cucumber mix is anti-inflammatory. You could also chop up apples and put them to work in a bottle -the fruit has polyphenols and flavonoids, which boost heart health.Drink up! Water is essential for: Lubricating delicate tissues such as those in the eyes, nose and mouth.It keeps the kidneys functioning and thus aids digestion. Regulates body temperature. Flush out toxins and waste.