
Trump boasts he could have had sex with Princess Diana

Donald Trump said he would have slept with Princess Diana in a radio interview recorded just three years after her death, but he joked that he would have had the British royal get an HIV test first.

According to a transcript of an appearance on The Howard Stern Show in 2000, one of a package of previously unreleased recordings uploaded to the Factbase website and first reported on by Newsweek, Stern asked Trump: “You would have slept with her?”

“Without even hesitation,” came the response.

“I tell you what,” the man who is now commander in chief said, “I think she's magnificent. Lady Di was truly a woman with great beauty. I've seen her a couple of times.”

“She was really beautiful,” the president-to-be continued, “and people didn't realize that beautiful. She was supermodel beautiful. She had the height, she had the beauty, she had the skin, the whole thing.”

In an earlier interview, aired in 1997, Trump also discussed Diana, who before her death was known as the Princess of Wales, as the ex-wife of Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne. But this time he and Stern imagined a scenario in which Trump asked Diana to get tested before they had sex.

"Hey, Lady Di, would you go to the doctor?" Stern says. "Go back over to my Lexus because I have a new doctor, we wanna give you a little checkup," Trump adds.

“Why do people think it's egotistical of you to say that you've gotten Lady Di, right?” Stern asked Trump on the 1997 show, “You could've gotten her, right? You could've nailed her.”

Trump said again that he “thought she was supermodel beautiful. I'm telling you, I said this the other day. I said Lady Di had supermodel beauty.”

“She had times, you know, it was interesting, she had times when she didn't look great,” conceded the future most powerful man in the world, “and sometimes you look better than anybody in the world. But she was supermodel.”

The transcripts and tapes emerged despite Stern saying during the presidential election campaign that he would not release his archives of Trump’s regular appearances on his show.

“I feel Donald Trump did the show in an effort to be entertaining and have fun with us, and I feel like it would be a betrayal to any of our guests if I sat there and played them now where people are attacking him,” Stern said on his SiriusXM show.

But Newsweek exclusively obtained the transcripts and audio, which were then subsequently posted online. “Taken together, the Stern interviews are a rich, Freudian case study, a gold mine for anyone trying to understand the president of the United States,” Newsweek’s Nina Burleigh wrote this week.

“The real estate magnate usually called in when he had something to hawk-a book, a prizefight, his TV show-but almost always stayed around to banter with Stern, whose preoccupation with sex and unctuous questioning style led the real estate magnate to free-associate on everything from his parents, children and upbringing to money, enemies, politics and, of course, breasts, enhanced or not.”

Source: Newsweek