
Shrabon Mohsin: The tale of a valorous youngster

Since the dawn of time, mankind has put self growth and successful attempts above everything. The economy has vastly changed all around the world as well as in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has seen new and unique entrepreneurship just like the rest of the world. And the pioneers for this are the youth of the nation. When many of the graduates are unemployed despite of having a degree, the critical thinkers are coming forward and creating their own business. Shrabon Mohsin is one of them. The following texts talk about his origin and current aspirations and goals.

He was determined that he wanted to do something by himself since college. He started teaching himself graphics design from his own home and the skills started to excel with time. He gathered many small jobs from various platforms. Earning money was not the main target, getting really good at different things was the goal. After mastering web designing, the horizon for work had expanded. He started getting gigs one after another. Moreover, he had created a dominance on freelancing websites too. He established himself before even graduating university. This is an exceptional example of not being dependent on degrees.

He also had a knack for writing besides designing. On top of that, he had earned several years of management skills. With the help of some friends and younger brothers he started his own digital marketing company “Shrabon’s Café”. He encouraged his teams to come up with new design concepts alongside traditional designing. And it worked too. He made his presence noticeable among national digital platforms within only two years. Famous companies started to add up to his client list.

Time moved on and started working for many known companies, slowly, he started to bond with them and it increased his work of field. Even though his company was sky high at that moment, his thought process was still down to earth. He still accepted small companies’ work and delivered in time. This opens up to more business possibilities, Shrabon Mohsin thinks.

He often gets asked about the backstory of a successful entrepreneur, he replied, “Most of the entrepreneurs have the same back story. The reason for success is only one thing and that is prioritizing work over everything else. You have to love the work you do and no job is small enough to be neglected. The younger generation’s problem is instead of increasing their skills, they are giving up easily and becoming upset about their career. There’s also social media that leaves the youth uncertain about themselves by showing them an endless stream of fake luxury and happiness. By getting out of these problems and giving maximum importance to work anyone can find their goal is what I believe.” Shrabon Mohsin’s guidance can be key to many people’s success.

Being a very hardworking person himself, he always encourages the youth to engage in meaningful work and to work hard. He has established himself as an influencer through social media. He’s also very vocal about prominent social issues. He has his doors open for any new entrepreneurs looking for suggestions or help. By eradicating unemployment, Shrabon Mohsin wants to make Bangladesh a better and brighter nation. He is an inspiration and pride of an entire generation.