
Kenya misses athletics doping deadline

Kenya has missed a deadline to prove to the World Anti-Doping Agency it is tackling cheating in athletics.It comes after a spate of positive drugs tests among the country`s athletes and fresh allegations of corruption.Kenya has not been able to provide the assurances that the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) is seeking and will be placed on a `watch-list` of nations at risk of breaching the agency`s code.The East African country, whose athletes are dominant in distance running, will be given two months to bring in new legislation and funding, or automatically be declared non-compliant with Wada.That could mean a possible ban from the Olympics, which take place later this year in Brazil, and other major events.A Wada statement said while "some progress has been made" with the Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya, there is "still a lot of work required".It said that, following a series of questions to Kenyan authorities, it had not received the assurances it needed."This is now a matter for our independent compliance process," it said. -BBC